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Quote30.11.2014 18:292 people like thisLike

Is there a way to add a sorting function in the albums? Now they come up in a random order, and when you click your whay through a album the pictures you saw on the first page may come up again later in the album if you go back and forth..  To be able to sort pictures by date added, views and ranking/votes is pretty normal around the web. Would be nice with that function on this forum too:)

Quote04.12.2014 22:232 people like thisLike

Thanks for your suggestion.

Quote04.01.2015 22:400 people like thisLike

Sorting feature would be very nice! It´s a little bit frustarating when you have some kind of order/story with you pictures and they end up mixed in album. Organizing photo order in album didn´t seem to help.


BR Hevea

Quote11.01.2015 16:060 people like thisLike

Album photo organizing seems to work better than I first reckoned. Bear with me. Embarassed Newbie just don´t know all the tricks yet. Maybe some of my difficulties in attempting to organize the picture order was due to restrictions of my standard membership(limit of 10 photo view/upload per day). I ´m slowly getting my photos in right order!Smile

BR Hevea

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