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new update - good and bad
27.08.2010 13:380 people like thisLike

Thanks for the new update, it certainly made the site look fresh and modern. But I wonder what caused the site to be extremely slow? Bandwidth?  I guess this must be a general problem for all the memebrs, not just local. Is there anything that can be done to make this place as easily accessible as before?


28.08.2010 09:030 people like thisLike

Yes, the preformance is a MAJOR issue. We have been working on it for days now!

We hope that it's solved now... if not we still have a few things to try...

Rain regards


28.08.2010 14:460 people like thisLike

It looks like the database is getting hammered because I'm getting lot's of database errors.


Maybe the migration didn't go so well, it seems like the new site is taking up way more resources than before, maybe you should try and look into some cache settings.


I think we should at least try this out for the time being and see if Mr. 3xL can fix it.

If we stick with it, then I suggest some design changes and some decluttering, the front page is filled up with stuff, making your mind explode just by looking at it.

29.08.2010 00:300 people like thisLike

I have lost all my mail, and my groups is gone? and when i am on a persons profile how do i send a mail direct to the owner of te profile?

29.08.2010 17:140 people like thisLike

Hi, another feature to be fixed is the invitation of new members. It does not seem to work.

I appreciate very much your efforts to get the site working properly, this has been and still is THE site for all rainwearlovers.


01.09.2010 10:030 people like thisLike

Can anyone help? There seems to be no obvious way to access the photos within the Groups section?


07.09.2010 21:110 people like thisLike

If I type only www.regnfrakker.dk in my browser, i get the following error message:

"We are doing the major upgrade.Thanks for your patience.Back to you soon."

If I use www.regnfrakker.dk/members i can login.

And it would be nice if, when saving photos, they were not all named "www.regnfrakker.dk.jpg"

But I like the new design. Especially the new chat feature is cool.

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