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Personal Blogs
948 days ago 3 comments Categories: Personal Blogs Tags: jeantex, rubber, rainwear
Fra nedlagt skibsproviantørs lager har jeg været heldig at opkøbe alt hans regntøj fra Jeantex Rainwear. Send en mail til og jeg kvitterer med en lagerlister, hvorfra du/I
1170 days ago 3 comments Categories: Personal Blogs Tags: rubber, rainwear, weekend, costanza
Hi everyone!I was kind of hoping to be more active here on Regnfrakker forum, so here is a little post upon the weekend! It's friday, and I am currently waiting for a meeting to start, so that I mysel
1686 days ago 6 comments Categories: Personal Blogs Tags: ydmygelse, regntøjsslave, bondage
Hej alle, både SUBer og DOMer. Jeg søger nye ideer til forskellige former for ydmygelser af regntøjsslaver. Under min profil kan I se, hvad jeg selv har. Men jeg kunne godt bruge flere muligheder, og
2061 days ago 2 comments Categories: Personal Blogs Tags:
Well Tumblr has finally succumbed to the killjoys and censors.   Some may have seen my little blog over there, but it will be gone shortly; although I don't feature nudity, it's obvious they don't wan
2223 days ago 2 comments Categories: Personal Blogs Tags:
I seem to have quite a few "friends" on here whom I never hear from for years on end. So I have decided to have a bit of a spring clean. Please don't take it personally, but if we never communicate, I
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