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Quote28.04.2021 12:135 people like thisLike

Hi everybody


We are going to do some updates on regnfrakker.dk during this summer, to give You more flexibility, and fix some issues that we have seen here. 

Flash is not working, and cause problems for showing Video.
uploading pictures and video if using Flash.

Size of pictures makes it difficult to upload from e.g. Mobile devices and Phones.


We will updates the "News section" as we go on.


You are welcome to comment on the News or here on this post


Best regards



Quote29.04.2021 23:420 people like thisLike

Hi Grsr

Thanks in advance for the many hours of work that you and your crew is investing in a slight retrofit of the site.
Regards F77

Quote01.05.2021 23:470 people like thisLike



great to read!


I hope, everything works out!





Quote02.05.2021 13:500 people like thisLike

Wonderful! Haven't been able to watch videos in years :)

Quote07.05.2021 06:340 people like thisLike



First of all thank you for your efforts maintaining the site. And making the server update for better performance.


Getting rid of Flash is generally a good idea - it is end of life and not updated anymore so it becomes security risk.


Photos section - there are now 19066 pages of photos!!! Would it be possible to make a change that you could bookmark a certain page - or at least show a page in the link/url in the browser?


Size of photos -- I agree that think 500kb limit is a bit low for today's needs, but on the otherhand I think 1-2 Megs should be enough. Would it be possible that the images are scaled down automatically by the upload process on the site. Also removing all meta data (like location etc) from the images when you upload would be nice.


Tag of the month. I think it has been unused / not changed for a long time. Would it be possible to either get rid of it or start updating it every once in a while. We could get creative here coming up with all kinds of tags - not just fall, srping, winter. How about: yellow, mud, sea, lake, rukka, Hellyhansen, .... And it does not necessary need to be updated every month.



Quote09.05.2021 07:031 people like thisLike

Hi, Nice to hear that the site is moving again - thanks!
A gentle warning on ease of upload from mobiles.
This is known to cause enormous amounts of "selfie / mirror" type pictures,
which aren´t really interesting for anyone, but the photographer.

Quote31.05.2021 16:000 people like thisLike



Great to hear it. Go for a good job.





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