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Oppbevaring av regntøy / storing of rainwear
Quote27.03.2021 13:160 people like thisLike

Det er sikkert laget posts på dette før men jeg finner det ikke: Hvordan bør regntøy oppbevares for å hindre at farger smitter over fra plagg til plagg? Hva må tas hensyn til vedrørende farger, materialer eller kanskje noe annet?




There is probably made posts on this before but i cant find it: How should rainwear be stored to make sure colours dont transfer from one to another? Is there any special things to consider regarding colours, materials or maybee something else?

Quote27.03.2021 16:180 people like thisLike

If you have any bright colored rainwear (yellow, orange, white etc) I would store them separate from darker colored rainwear (green, black etc) just to be safe. I have only seen color transfer happen once on a newer yellow Rukka rain jacket I have. Somehow math problems from a worksheet I had in a college class bled onto the jacket when it was in my backpack.

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