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Quote05.04.2021 23:330 people like thisLike

Hi everyone,


Does anyone know what the differences between the Grundens Brigg 40 jacket and Brigg 44 jacket are? I have looked online but found nothing concrete about the differences besides the numbering, 40 vs 44... Has anyone bought the Brigg jacket or Herkules bib pants recently (within the last year or two)? I recently bought a brand new Clipper rain jacket and bib pants in orange and was dismayed to find the material was rough! I remember a few years ago when I bought the same jacket and bib pants in yellow that the fabric was much more smooth. I hope that is not the case with the Brigg jacket and Herkules bib pants!



Quote07.04.2021 20:240 people like thisLike

Hi, I believe the difference is that 44 got neoprene cuffs.

Quote11.05.2021 22:590 people like thisLike


Hi everyone,


Does anyone know what the differences between the Grundens Brigg 40 jacket and Brigg 44 jacket are? I have looked online but found nothing concrete about the differences besides the numbering, 40 vs 44... Has anyone bought the Brigg jacket or Herkules bib pants recently (within the last year or two)? I recently bought a brand new Clipper rain jacket and bib pants in orange and was dismayed to find the material was rough! I remember a few years ago when I bought the same jacket and bib pants in yellow that the fabric was much more smooth. I hope that is not the case with the Brigg jacket and Herkules bib pants!



The smooth surface is long gone with Grundens. Look for Ocean or Viking instead.

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