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15.09.2018 (2100 Days Ago)

Unexpected Weekend Part 1


Rainwear Stories (3 posts)
Unexpectd Weekend Part 2
Unexpectd Weekend Part 2
2100 days ago 1 comments Categories: Rainwear Stories Tags:

Tom invited me into his lounge saying that if while he went to make a drink for us I would perhaps be more comfortable if I stripped off and took my normal office gear off before putting my rainger back on. At this he gave me a wink obviously indicating he knew what I liked already. He also added that if i would like to take my wet boots off and use some of his wellingtons or waders, I was welcome to try them.

Wow, wow, wow! was my reaction. Off he went and left me to strip off taking my office suit off and leaving myself naked ready to put my yellow gear back on. He obviously timed it just right because he suddenly appeared at the door with the excuse that he had forgotten to ask whether i took sugar in my tea. He stopped dead when he saw me totally naked with the biggest erection I had had for a long time. He just looked me up and down and said "Lovely". going off again to get the tea. I put my gear back on and went into the hallway to inspect his  wellingtons and then found along with the raingear hanging up there  was also the most amazing collection of waders. I just had to go long them feeling and smelling each pair and finally chose a lovely pair of shiny black ones. Into the lounge I rushed, sitting on the sofa to pull them up my legs.  This was indeed going to be some night! I felt a little uncomforatble so went to move the cushion behind me only to find yet another surprise, a pair of very long industrial gloves neatly folded behind the cushion. I obviously didn't want Tom to think I had been nosey so quickly replaced them and the cushion.  The coffee table in front of me had a pile of neatly piled magazines so I decided to while away the time and have a look. The top one was a motoring magazine which did not interest me in the slightest. In removing that though again yet another surprise awaited. A number of Rubber relate magzines. I just had to pick one up and investigate. My erection got even harder as I viewed the contents.

Just upon it Tom came in and saw my face flushed with excitement. He placed the tray of tea on the table and came and sat down at the side of me. "I can see you like what you see, I think we are gong to get on well together and perhaps have a fun evening.. "Let's get to know each other better and talk of our likes and disilikes" he said. With that he sat closer to me and deliberately put his booted leg across mine almost pinning me down to the sofa.  We started chatting in general about our lives and how we got to where we were right now. Then of coourse the conversation had to turn to our love of rainwear and rubber. By this time he had finshed his tea and had put his arm round me and pulled me closer to him, The smell of his rubber mack and the feel of it was absolutley intoxicating. His other hand then found it's way to my erection but not before getting my hand and placing it on his. Oh, the delight of being held tight by another guy fully dressed in rubber was something I had never experienced. Then to feel his hand rubbing me all over. He then spotted the end of a rubber glove poking out from behind the cushion. "  Oh, you've found those too". "We had better make use of them hadn't we then"  He pulled them out and put them up his arms and started stroking me all over. First my face, then my arms, then working down my body. Never before had I had an experience like it. Naturally I started responding with my hands working over him and working down to his erection. He then stopped for a moment and produced from behing his cushion another pair of rubber gloves for me to use. I had never  had any before, but to feel the smooth rubber as i slid my hands in was another experience that sent my heart racing and made me almost cum on the spot.

It was not long, with all the noises of the gear rubbing together and the feel of our wadered legs rubbing together that both of us reached a tremendous climax, spunk shooting all over our gear. We just had to lay back on the sofa, both of us entirely exhausted. Wow,wow,wow, is the only words to describe the experience of that short time together. And to know the night had only just begun!!! "What more could happen", I thought to myself, as we cuddled up together again.

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  •  Perapi wrote 2093 Days Ago (neutral) 
    That are very good and horny mmmmm and I waiting for next mmmm
    0 points
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