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27.01.2014 (3778 Days Ago)
This blog will tell you the story of when i take my pitures. Posts will be conected to albums. And also some interesting news and things from the internet! =)
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Story about Sutterheim
Story about Sutterheim
3778 days ago 4 comments Categories: Rainwear Stories Tags:

Hi, time for a new little post.

I´m sure that some of you have heard about the brand Sutterheim. It´s a new Swedish brand that makes raincoats in pretty heave rubber, old school! :) They are sold in fancy stores in Both Sweden and Norway, where i´ve seen them, and it´s not fishermans stores, it´s fancy clothing stores! It has to bee, if you can see Kanye West wear one ;)

Now, i saw i documentary about the brand and the man behind it! it was sent on the Swedish television SVT, and can bee seen online, but not sure, if you can see it outside Sweden! Any way, here´s the link:


I love the smooth ffeling of those coats and there´s alot of nice colors, they are pretty expensive, but if you got the money, they´re totaly worth it!

And for you guys that´s interested in those NICE coats, here´s the link to their hompage and webshop:

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  •  pvcman wrote 3776 Days Ago (neutral) 
    I watch the video from Ireland. Nice rainwear, but very expensive... Ocean an Grundens is better for everyday use, stutterheim is for people wwho have more money then sense!
    0 points
  •  "Deleted member" wrote 3776 Days Ago (neutral) 
    Great, but why on earth are people willing to pay 289-550 Euros for a raincoat when they can get the original stuff from Grundens, Ocean etc. for 100 Euros or less...
    0 points
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