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tags - Bisexual
3609 dag s siden 1 kommentarer Kategorier: Rainwear Stories, Personal Blogs tags: Bisexual, PVC, Gay, Rainwear
Just as I matured into my twenties, I began to realize where my true inclinations lay. I had accepted partially my fetishism, my avid affection for PVC, rubber and leather. It was time to realize agai
3609 dag s siden 3 kommentarer Kategorier: Rainwear Stories tags: Bisexual, Gay, PVC, Rainwear
My first bisexual/gay encounter...   At a fairly young age I had become active sexually, the society of that time, allowed for partying of an aggressive nature. During the summers of my childhood and
3609 dag s siden 0 kommentarer Kategorier: Personal Blogs tags: Personal, PVC, Rainwear, Bisexual
…there is no beginning, although an end is possibly in sight on the event horizon I have always been attracted, no not attracted, lets say obsessed with rainwear. As most fetishists I have childhood m
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